• November 22, 2008 /  7 Comments

    Joel Fugazzotto.

    I began writing for a living in 1964. My first job was in the Ad Department of the Continental Casualty Company in Chicago writing accident and health brochures. It didn’t pay a whole lot of money, but it was my first real job and I was doing something I enjoyed. I still remember brown-bagging it to work on a dollar-a-day budget: 60 cents round-trip on the subway, 30 cents for a pack of cigarettes and 10 cents for a cup of coffee.

    I broke into the advertising agency business in 1969 when I was hired as a writer for Tatham-Laird & Kudner in Chicago. From there, I went on to Leo Burnett and Marsteller. In 1976, I joined Botsford-Ketchum in San Francisco, then J. Walter Thompson; Foote, Cone & Belding where I spent 18 years, and finally Hal Riney & Partners before going off on my own as a freelancer.

    I wrote mostly TV and radio commercials, but also some print for a lot of big and small national and regional clients. I held a bunch of different titles over the years, but in the end my job and love was simply writing advertising.

    I reside in the San Francisco area.

7 Comments to About

  • I think your off to a great start.
    This is what “YOU DO”, this is what “MAKES YOU, YOU”, this is what “YOU ARE”! You were born to “TELL”.
    Only through you head and out through your hands will anyone ever understand.
    I’m so very proud and at the same time a little envious of your talent.


  • Bro:
    Great idea! I always will remember the stories that you wrote for me when I was little. I liked the bunny one the best. I will be interested in hearing your peers’ reactions to your blog.

    Your Sis

  • Joel,

    Randy and I go back to the 60’s with Y&R. I gave him his 1st Director spot when he went on his own in the mid 70’s, Foster Farms.
    Fun stories. Please include the gems from Ketchum we shared. Your story about Stu is like the last episode of “Trust Me”.
    Are you ghost writing for the series?


  • Speaking of dogs, you old f’ing dog. I had forgotten all about that. Great story. How the hell are you? Where are you? Hope you are well. Let’s talk.


  • Joel; I remember your work on Dole & Sunkistg for me, well not really for me but what I always respected that you worked on Foodservice and B2b as Rich always did without the prejudice of it must be Tv.

    Sorry we didn’r keep in better touch as I went back into the Biz side.
    I’m currently consulting and on the road all the time.

    I sure miss RicHie V he did some great stuff for me. His last work was believeit or not doing a positioning and design for an oil truck
    I’ll sent you a photo
    Good to hear from you love the bog

  • Great reading! I love “The Friendly Skies”. Brings back great memories. Well written. Thanks!

  • Joel,

    What a surprise to read “The Friendly Skies”. I still can remember going down the packed elevator at lunch with all our boxes of smelly flying gear. People looking at us wondering…what the hell?? Those were good days.

    Hope all is well,

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